Discover the Archetypes Shaping Your Life

5 Results tagged "journey"

Enacting the hero's journey as story When Is a Story Archetypal?
by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

We know the facts—that we are currently one of 8 billion people on the planet, that in the greater scheme of humanity and the cosmos we will live and die anonymously - but this is not how you and I live. You are striving, battling, and loving through an epic drama. Each time you triumph, each time you fail, you gain the wisdom of living for the first time, as every hero has done through time. Every one of us senses our mysterious potential, often ambiguous and vague, yet emotionally compelling in its lure towards who we can be. We sense as well that the hard facts of life do not provide access to this level of potential, but where to turn for guidance?


woman with red backpack standing at a forked path in the woods Archetypes are Fluid and Dynamic
Feb 13, 2023 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

If you happen to take the PMAI® assessment again, you will likely notice the same characters congregating near the top and bottom of your profile, but not always in the same positions. Our newest article discusses the fluid and dynamic nature of archetypes and how the PMAI instrument can be used to reveal your growth or the growth of your clients over time.


A business woman's caped cast shadow reflects her inner Hero's Journey of self-discovery Discovering Your Hero’s Journey
Mar 16, 2023 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

What is it like to see your life as a Hero's Journey for the first time? Think of a story or a film where you recognized yourself in a character. When we are identified with a character, we feel their feelings, we are moved by their pain, and through the character's revelations of themselves,we receive insights into ourselves we didn't have before.


Hugh Marr: Master Storyteller
Aug 17, 2023 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

Journey between the realm of reality and imagination and come face-to-face with the unconscious stories you have inherited. In his upcoming book, Hugh K Marr, Ph.D., using the 12 Pearson-Marr archetypes, leads you down a mythic and symbolic path to find your own archetypal story.


Stories help us understand ourselves and to transform and develop Transform Your Stories; Transform Your Life
Sep 18, 2023 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

Re-enchant your life and transform your life story! Finding Your Story: Using Archetypes to Guide Your Personal Journey, the exciting upcoming guidebook by psychologist Hugh K. Marr, PhD, will guide you through the stages of your own life stories to discover the mythic and symbolic realms hidden within you.