Discover the Archetypes Shaping Your Life

6 Results tagged "creator"

Inspired by an active Creator archetype, you are naturally imaginative. Constantly thinking of new possibilities, there are times when ideas effortlessly flow, as if you were an antennae channeling them. You conceive of new possibilities and are able to express those ideas in a tangible form, as in art, writing, design or inventions.


three coworkers holding coffee cups and laughing Archetypes Are Oriented Around a Core Quality
Jun 17, 2021 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

People accurately and intuitively understand that the archetypes symbolically represent universal human qualities. A common misunderstanding though is if an archetype is not active in your Archetype Profile, then you are lacking the core quality it represents. Having an archetypal character rank low in your Profile does not mean you are lacking that quality but indicates you are not identified with it and likely not accessing it, at least not with ease. In this article, we explain how identifying each archetype with a core quality is distinct from using that same quality through the other archetypes.


Living the Heroic Life Journey: Part 2
by Carol S. Pearson, PhD, DMin and Hugh Marr, PhD, LPC

The meaning of "soul" used in depth psychology does not necessarily imply the religious meaning of what is eternal about you; rather, it is about discovering the deeper, more essential "you" that exists now. While many people have trouble understanding what soul is, most of us know what it means to look in the mirror and think something like, "if I do this one more day, or if I agree to this, or if I allow this, I will lose my soul."


Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman with arms crossed at the wrists Pearson's & Heroic Archetypal Characters
Carol Pearson,PhD has a unique presence in the field of Jungian archetypes. First, Pearson's work is about twelve heroic archetypes that she discovered appear across culture, time, and stories, such as myths, fairy tales, literature, and religion. The theory uses the metaphor of the heroic journey as a structure for ordering archetypes as they commonly occur in the course of Western adult development.


World of Warcraft players, like this elf lady in green, play out enchanted archetypal stories What Story Are You Playing?
May 18, 2023 by Logan Abbitt

When looking for a little enchantment in life what archetypal story do you like to play? In this second article, Logan Abbitt compares 6 more of the PMAI archetypes with some of the mythical characters played out in the high fantasy game World of Warcraft (WoW).


In our work with people using both the PMAI and MBTI instruments, we see two relationships between type and archetype. Archetypes and Personality Type
Jun 17, 2024 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

This is the second article in a three-part series, by Kessstan Blandin, PhD, discussing the relationships between Jung’s theories of archetypes and psychological types, as assessed by the Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator® and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® instruments, respectively. The first article discussed the ways the theories of archetype and type converge and diverge—how they overlap and where they are distinct. This current article presents the results of a large, correlational study between the PMAI® and MBTI® tools.