Discover the Archetypes Shaping Your Life

2 Results tagged "Jung"

The Ruler archetype exhibits qualities such as being decisive and working to establish order. How Archetypes Transform Personality
by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

Understanding our archetypes as only representative of personality can be limiting. In this article Kesstan Blandin describes how your PMAI® archetypes point to archetypal narratives currently active in your life, not only to highlight aspects of your personality, but to point to the hidden potential within you.


Jung & Archetypes
The Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator® (PMAI®) is rooted in the theories of C. G. Jung. Jung's view of archetypes, a concept he didn't coin but was the first to apply to the structure and experience of the psyche or mind, is based on his understanding of the various levels of the psyche or mind (conscious and unconscious).