Discover the Archetypes Shaping Your Life

At the center of every person is a story

The Storywell® experience invokes the image of a mysterious deep well where the universal stories and dramas of human lives dwell. The source that feeds this well is like an underground stream. Storywell is a portal to the archetypal realm where your Hero's Journey waits for you.


New To Archetypes?

The origin of the word archetype means "original imprint or mold." An archetype is that initial pattern or essential aspects of a thing that determine its shape and nature. Think of an archetype as a recurring pattern of human behavior.

What is the Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator®?

The PMAI® (Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator®) is the world's first scientifically validated archetype assessment tool, and it opens a window into the patterns of our unconscious stories and provides a path to self-understanding. Taking the PMAI assessment allows us to become aware of the archetypes that are active in our lives. This experience helps us decide how and when to use our archetypes, and which ones may need nurturing or further development.

Education > Latest Content

Bringing Archetype (PMAI®) Together with Type (MBTI®)
Apr 02, 2024 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

Though archetypes (PMAI) and personality type (MBTI) express different aspects of one's personality, one fluid and one fixed, together they bestow a depth of self-understanding. This month, Kesstan Blandin, PhD, distinguishes the contrasting nature of these two systems and how they ground or emphasize each other in a way that can accelerate self-growth.


Finding Your Story can help you see some parts of your life very differently from before. Find Your Story
Feb 15, 2024 by Carol S. Pearson, PhD, DMin

Hugh K. Marr's new book, Finding Your Story: Using Archetypes to Guide Your Personal Journey (2023), is a workbook that can help you see some parts of your life very differently than before. Carol. S. Pearson, who, together with Hugh K. Marr, created the PMAI instrument, gives a review and writes about her personal experience revisiting her own life stories when calling forth a core archetype.


Broken trust can be altered with an understanding of archetypal imprints and intentional language to transform trust with others. PMAI Archetypes and Trust
Jan 18, 2024 by David J. Hulings

We begin the new year with an article by author and speaker David J. Hulings on how to understand and identify the trust styles of each archetype. Hulings, in his newest book TRUST!, introduces a unique trust language to build trust and transform our mindset towards trust. Understanding archetypal imprints can equip us with the ability to establish trust with others.


Stories help us understand ourselves and to transform and develop Transform Your Stories; Transform Your Life
Sep 18, 2023 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

Re-enchant your life and transform your life story! Finding Your Story: Using Archetypes to Guide Your Personal Journey, the exciting upcoming guidebook by psychologist Hugh K. Marr, PhD, will guide you through the stages of your own life stories to discover the mythic and symbolic realms hidden within you.


Hugh Marr: Master Storyteller
Aug 17, 2023 by Kesstan Blandin, PhD

Journey between the realm of reality and imagination and come face-to-face with the unconscious stories you have inherited. In his upcoming book, Hugh K Marr, Ph.D., using the 12 Pearson-Marr archetypes, leads you down a mythic and symbolic path to find your own archetypal story.